Recent Academic Positions
Director, Language Resource Center, Cornell University (July 2018-present)
Senior Lecturer, Department of German Studies, Cornell University (July 2018-present)
Executive Associate Director, Center for Language Teaching Advancement, Michigan State University (June 2013-August 2018)
Acting Director, Master of Arts in Foreign Language Teaching, Michigan State University (July-Dec 2014)
Director, CeLTA Language School, Michigan State University (August 2008-August 2018)
Associate Director, Center for Language Teaching Advancement, Michigan State University (August 2012-June 2013)
Co-Curricular and Outreach Coordinator, Center for Language Teaching Advancement, Michigan State University (August 2008-August 2012)
College Professor (Instructor), College of Arts and Letters, Michigan State University (August 2008-August 2018)
Recent Service Positions
Past President, International Association for Language Learning Technology (2023-2025)
Co-Editor, Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German, American Association of Teachers of German (2017-2022)
President, International Association for Language Learning Technology (2021-2023)
President-Elect, International Association for Language Learning Technology (2019-2021)
Co-Coordinator, International Association for Language Learning Technology Survey Committee (2016-present)
Executive Secretary, Michigan World Language Association (2016-2018)
Webmaster, American Association of Teachers of German, Michigan Chapter (2016-2018)
President, Michigan World Language Association (2014, 5-year Executive Board term)
Vice President, Honor Society of Phi Kappa, Phi MSU Chapter (2014-2018)
President, American Association of Teachers of German, Michigan Chapter (2012-2013, 6-year Executive Board term)
Senior International Vice President, Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars (2012-2018)
Ph.D. in German Studies, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI (August 2008)
Dissertation: “Engaging the Foreign Language Learner: Using Hybrid Instruction to Bridge the Language-Literature Gap” (Directors: Drs. Karin Wurst and Charlene Polio)
M.A. in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI (May 2005)
Thesis: “Implementing Portfolio Assessment in Second-Year German Language Classrooms” (Director: Dr. Charlene Polio)
M.A. in German Studies, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI (December 2002)